
Robert Wamalwa Pastor Agape fellowship center, Kawangware Church, Nairobi, Kenya

God has provided a generous invitation to all mankind that any one who will agree to make a personal commitment to Him will receive newness that has greater relationship and ability. The resultant of this agreement has an accompanying greater power in that it transforms an individual to a new status of:
1. Having relationship with God (Child of God): (John 1:12)
Receiving/accepting gives one the ability to be a child of God. Hence the old nature is exchanged with a new nature in order to assume membership in a new Kingdom which is mighty, everlasting Isaiah 9:7 As a child you are given certain ability for the benefit of the new Kingdom (Ephesians 4:11&12). One then begins to obey and depend on the new Kingdom authority
2. Being Empowered by the Kingdom (verse 16) :
I will pray the Father will give you a Helper. In Acts 1:8  You will receive power when the holy ghost has come upon you and you will be my witnesses. The helper is of truth, abides in believers and is ever present. He is received by faith and living with him is by faith.
3. Assurance of God's hearing and answering: (Verse 14)
If you ask anything in my name I will do it, greater works will be done, that the father is glorified and the Helper abides with us. Always confident that when you pray you are talking to your father and He responds to you.

・ Moses- Exodus 2:11 …when Moses was grown he went out to his brethren and looked at their burdens Exodus3:1-4 …led the flock to the desert,…Lord appeared in a bush of fire,..
・ Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch Acts 8:26-40….arise and go towards south along the road,..desert,…so he arose ad went, met the eunuch and ran to him and asked him, "Do you understand what you are reading?" Philip's AGREEMENT with the spirit of God. I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God
・ My testimony all souls belong to God but any that sins will surely die Ezekiel 33
・ Yourself Have you agreed with yourself, God, Fellowship (your Church), empowered in God's Kingdom for the world and assured of God' presence and answers in your prayers

MESSAGE PONTS. God has by grace given an invitation for anybody to agree with Him and have an everlasting relationship with Him. You become a child of God and belong to a mighty Kingdom that shall never pass away. As a child you are empowered to overcome, listen and leave in obedience of the Kingdom. God' s presence will always be with us whenever we agree with him and He answers whatever we ask him to do. God talks to His people even today in many ways, His word included which has power sharper than any two aged sword (Hebrews 4:12) When God talks to us doubt and fear can easily stop us from obeying God, we should resist it.


ロバート ワマルワ 


1) 神様との確かな関係を持つ者(神の子としての地位)ヨハネ1:12

2) 神の国によって力を帯びている者(16節)

3) 神が聴き答えてくださる確信を持つ者(14節)


1) モーセ(出エジプト記2:11)

2) フィリポとエチオピアの宦官(使徒言行録8:26-40)

3) 私のこと(エゼキエル33)

4) あなたにとって



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