2004/9/26 Message Note

「終末の徴」をどう読むか? マタイ24:3-28

How to Read the 'Signs of the End Times'

A.「世の終わり」の始まり The Beginning of the 'end of the world'

1)偽メシア・偽預言者の出現 Appearance of false messiahs and false prophets

2)戦争・紛争・犯罪・対立 War, conflict, crime, enmity

3)自然災害の多発 Frequent natural disasters


Suffering of those who believe in Jesus (Love grows cold)

B.「人の子」が現れるまでの苦難の時 The time of tribulation until the 'Son of Man' appears

1)今までに誰も体験したことのないような苦難 Suffering of unprecedented severity

2)主の民は耐え忍ぶことができる Perseverance made possible for the Lord's people

C.結論 Conclusion

1)「終わりの時」は始まっている The 'end' has already begun

2)明日かも、何百年先かも It may be tomorrow or several hundred years from now



One day, the end of the world will come. However, that is not a time of despair for us. The Bible promises that Jesus will return in the end. We can walk daily in hope because of this 'Second Coming'. We believe in a God who enables those who believe in him to endure even the "great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now" at the 'End Times'.

話し合いのヒント Hints for Discussion


Why does the Bible talk about the 'End'?


How should we live every day, after hearing this?