We are the Voice Calling in the Wilderness

❖ Video (Whole Worship Service) ❖ Audio (Message) We are the Voice Calling in the Wilderness John 1:6-8, 19-23 Mari Ikeda Last time we heard in the very first part of John’s Gospel that God is the Word, and Jesus is the word of God. Today I’d like to say that we are the “voice.” Let’s start from the passage we skipped last time, 1:6-8. A. Who was John? (6-8) 6 There was a man sent from God whose name was John. 7 He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. 8 He himself was not the light; he came only…

Bulletin 10/30/2022

Vol. 29, No.43 <Schedule of 10/30-11/12> *There is only one Sunday service (10:00 to 11:30)until further notice. ←Bulletin (pdf)・Download・Print This Week 10/30 Service (Japanese and English / FaceBook Live) 10:00-11:30 Next Week 11/6 Service (Japanese and English / FaceBook Live) 10:00-11:30Communion (after the service)

ח (Heth) The earth is filled with the LORD’s love

❖ Video ❖ Audio (Message) ח (Heth) The earth is filled with the LORD’s love Series: Finding the Gospel in Psalm 119ーA Hymn to the Law 8/22 Psalm 119:57-64 Andy Nagahara The eighth in the series of Psalm 119, called Hymn to the Law, is the eighth paragraph in the entire series. It is verses 57 through 64, where the eighth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Heth, is placed at the beginning of each line.What is unique about today’s part is that the psalmist spends less time praying and desiring and more time confirming his own past steps and making resolutions.Now let’s read on as usual. 1. The privilege that we…

Bulletin 10/23/2022

Vol. 29, No.42 <Schedule of 10/23-11/5> *There is only one Sunday service (10:00 to 11:30)until further notice. ←Bulletin (pdf)・Download・Print This Week 10/23 Service (Japanese and English / FaceBook Live) 10:00-11:30 Next Week 10/30 Service (Japanese and English / FaceBook Live) 10:00-11:30

Who was Jesus?

❖ Video (Whole Worship Service) ❖ Audio (Message) Who was Jesus? John 1:1-18 Mari Ikeda Starting from today, I’d like to start reading the Gospel according to John, because I feel it’s about time to go back to the actual words of Jesus after we have read Romans for nearly 2 years and kept hearing from Paul. Also because I have read other Gospels in the past, but not John, I picked John. If you have read the Gospel of John, you may well know that it is quite different from the other three Gospels and that it has many passages that sound very philosophical and difficult to understand. However,…

Bulletin 10/16/2022

Vol. 29, No.41 <Schedule of 10/16-10/29> *There is only one Sunday service (10:00 to 11:30)until further notice. ←Bulletin (pdf)・Download・Print This Week 10/16 Service (Japanese and English / FaceBook Live) 10:00-11:30 Next Week 10/23 Service (Japanese and English / FaceBook Live) 10:00-11:30

ז (Zayin) Your promise preserves my life

❖ Video ❖ Audio (Message) ז (Zayin) Your promise preserves my life Series: Finding the Gospel in Psalm 119ーA Hymn to the Law 7/22 Psalm 119:49-56 Andy Nagahara The seventh in the series of Psalm 119, called Hymn to the Law, is the seventh paragraph in the entire series. It is verses 49 through 56, where the seventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Zayin, is placed at the beginning of each line. The name of the letter is the same as the Hebrew word for weapon (זין zayin). 1. My comfort in my suffering (49, 50, 52) 49 Remember your word to your servant, for you have given me hope. 50 My comfort in my…

Bulletin 10/9/2022

Vol. 29, No.40 <Schedule of 10/9-10/22> *There is only one Sunday service (10:00 to 11:30)until further notice. ←Bulletin (pdf)・Download・Print This Week 10/9 Service (Japanese and English / FaceBook Live) 10:00-11:30 Next Week 10/16 Service (Japanese and English / FaceBook Live) 10:00-11:30

Church: A Community of Mutual Support that Transcends Sex, Status, and Ethnicity

❖ Video (Whole Worship Service) ❖ Audio (Message) Church: A Community of Mutual Support that Transcends Sex, Status, and Ethnicity Romans 16 (Last Sermon in the Series on Paul’s Letter to the Romans) Mari Ikeda Finally, this is my last sermon in the series on Romans. We’ll read its last chapter, chapter 16, but I want to skip a part of it as it’s quite long. It’s long because so many people’s names are listed up, 24 in total. As I have said before, as Paul had never been to Rome, most people in the churches in Rome did not know Paul personally. Perhaps Paul listed up the names of…

Bulletin 10/2/2022

Vol. 29, No.39 <Schedule of 10/2-10/15> *There is only one Sunday service (10:00 to 11:30)until further notice. ←Bulletin (pdf)・Download・Print This Week 10/2 Service (Japanese and English / FaceBook Live) 10:00-11:30 Communion (After the message) Next Week 10/9 Service (Japanese and English / FaceBook Live) 10:00-11:30