Bulltin 3/26/2017

Vol. 24, No.13 <Schedule of 3/26-4/8>   Bulletin (pdf)・Download・Print ➡︎   <THIS WEEK> 3/26 Service I   9:30-10:30 (Japanese)  Service II  11:00-12:30 (Japanese and English / Kid’s Church) Communion 13:30 Members’ Huddle 13:45-14:30 3/31 PAWS 20:00-21:00 <COMING WEEK>  4/2 Service I   9:30-10:30 (Japanese)  Service II  11:00-12:30 (Japanese and English / Kid’s Church) 4/7 PAWS 20:00-21:00 <NEXT COMMUNION> 4/16 (10:30)

3/19/2017 Who are those who fear the LORD?

 Andy Nahgahara Video Youtube Audio  http://yourchurch.jp/archive/resources/messagemp3/2017/message170319.mp3 Who are those who fear the LORD? (Psalms 25:12-22) A. God’s promise to those who fear the LORD  (12-14) 12 Who, then, is the man that fears the LORD? He will instruct him in the way chosen for him. 13 He will spend his days in prosperity, and his descendants will inherit the land. 14 The LORD confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them.  B. The present situation of those who fear the LORD (15-19) 15 My eyes are ever on the LORD, for only he will release my feet from the snare. 16 Turn to me and…

Bulletin 3/19/2017

Vol. 24, No.12 <Schedule of 3/19-4/1>   Bulletin (pdf)・Download・Print ➡︎   <THIS WEEK> 3/19 Service I   9:30-10:30 (Japanese)  Service II  11:00-12:30 (Japanese and English / Kid’s Church) 3/24 PAWS 20:00-21:00 <COMING WEEK>  3/26 Service I   9:30-10:30 (Japanese)  Service II  11:00-12:30 (Japanese and English / Kid’s Church) Communion 13:30 Members’ Huddle 13:45-14:30 3/31 PAWS 20:00-21:00 <NEXT COMMUNION> 3/26 (13:30)

3/12/2017 The Triune Prayer

   Andy Nahgahara Video Youtube Audio  http://yourchurch.jp/archive/resources/messagemp3/2017/message170312.mp3 The Triune Prayer (Psalms 25:1-11) A. 基本的な三つの願い The basic three prayers 1. Who may stand in the Lord’s holy place? (3-6, Psalms15) 2. Who may stand in the Lord’s holy place? (3-6, Psalms15) Of David. To you, O LORD, I lift up my soul; in you I trust, O my God. Do not let me be put to shame, nor let my enemies triumph over me. No one whose hope is in you will ever be put to shame, but they will be put to shame who are treacherous without excuse. 2. Who may stand in the Lord’s holy place? (3-6, Psalms15) 2. Who may stand in the Lord’s holy…

Bulletin 3/12/2017

Vol. 24, No.11 <Schedule of 3/12-3/25>   Bulletin (pdf)・Download・Print ➡︎   <THIS WEEK> 3/12 Service I   9:30-10:30 (Japanese)  Communion 10:30 Service II  11:00-12:30 (Japanese and English / Kid’s Church) Sunday PAWS 13:30-14:30 3/17 PAWS 20:00-21:00 <COMING WEEK>  3/19 Service I   9:30-10:30 (Japanese)  Service II  11:00-12:30 (Japanese and English / Kid’s Church) 3/17 PAWS 20:00-21:00 <NEXT COMMUNION> 3/26 (13:30)

3/5/2017 Who is this King of glory?

 Andy Nahgahara Video Youtube Audio  http://yourchurch.jp/archive/resources/messagemp3/2017/message170305.mp3 Who is this King of glory? (Psalms 24) 1. The Creator (1,2, Genesis 1) Of David. A psalm.  The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it;  for he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every…

Bulletin 3/5/2017

Vol. 24, No.10 <Schedule of 3/5-3/18>   Bulletin (pdf)・Download・Print ➡︎   <THIS WEEK> 3/5 Service I   9:30-10:30 (Japanese)  Service II  11:00-12:30 (Japanese and English / Kid’s Church) 3/10 PAWS 20:00-21:00 <COMING WEEK>  3/12 Service I   9:30-10:30 (Japanese)  Communion 10:30 Service II  11:00-12:30 (Japanese and English / Kid’s Church) Sunday PAWS 13:30-14:30 3/17 PAWS 20:00-21:00 <NEXT COMMUNION> 3/12 (10:30)

2/26/2017 We Are One of Them

 Mari Ikeda Jesus and Barabbas before the Judgment Seat of Pilate Engraving by Bernhard Rode [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, 1789. Video Youtube Audio  http://yourchurch.jp/archive/resources/messagemp3/2017/message170226.mp3   We Are One of Them (Luke22:39-46) 1. Not recognizing God as God (Religious leaders) a) Believing we are on God’s side (22:66-71) 66 At daybreak the council of the elders of the people, both the chief priests and the teachers of the law, met together, and Jesus was led before them. 67 “If you are the Messiah,” they said, “tell us.” Jesus answered, “If I tell you, you will not believe me, 68 and if I asked you, you would not answer. 69 But…

Bulletin 2/26/2017

Vol. 24, No.9 <Schedule of 2/26-3/11>   Bulletin (pdf)・Download・Print ➡︎   <THIS WEEK> 2/26 Service I   9:30-10:30 (Japanese)  Service II  11:00-12:30 (Japanese and English / Kid’s Church) Communion 13:30  Members Huddle 13:45 3/3 PAWS 20:00-21:00 <COMING WEEK>  3/5 Service I   9:30-10:30 (Japanese)  Service II  11:00-12:30 (Japanese and English / Kid’s Church) Communion 13:30  Members Huddle 13:45 3/10 PAWS 20:00-21:00 <NEXT COMMUNION> 3/12 (10:30)